About this advisory board

and Tools

Technology and tools are fundamental to how an organisation collects, maintains, and processes data. This pillar focuses on the relationship with technology teams and how the data and analytics teams’ requirements for tooling are incorporated into the overall strategy for the organisation.

coloured lozenges

Topics of interest include:

  • Building stakeholder relationships with technical teams – aligning the strategies.​
  • Understanding the technical requirements of data and analytics teams. ​
  • Working with technical development teams – agile for data and analytics teams. ​
  • Establishing budgets for data-driven technology. ​
  • Innovation and new technologies for data, analytics, and AI.
David Monks VP Data and Analytics Brambles

Dave Monks​

Vice President Data and Analytics, Governance and UX ​


Steve Pimblett Thumb

Steve Pimblett

Chief Data Officer

The Very Group

JonathanSaunders Photo

Jonathan Saunders

Chief Data Officer

Direct Line Group


Avinash Tripathi

Vice President of Analytics

University of Phoenix

As a member you are encouraged to suggest topics or questions for our advisory boards to consider. Please feel free to use the form below, and we will address your request to the board at the next opportunity: