The DataIQ Data Literacy

At its core, data literacy enables all levels of staff with different objectives to absorb, understand and effectively communicate information in a way that has never-before been possible thanks to technology.

According to Forester Research, data-driven companies enjoy increased revenue, improved customer service, best-in-class operating efficiencies, and improved profitability. Organisations with an insights-driven culture are nearly three times more likely to have double-digit growth.

And yet, only 20% of companies are empowering frontline workers with data. DataIQ’s own research has revealed that data literacy lags significantly behind data maturity, in some cases by a factor of more than 600%.

To close that gap, we have created the DataIQ Data Literacy Programme, developed by David Reed, DataIQ’s Chief Knowledge Officer and author of “Becoming Data Literate”. The programme is a top-down suite of materials and workshops delivered in person and digitally designed to embed data as the common currency and inspire a mind set change as well as reducing the dependency on Data, Insight and Analytics teams. All with the aim of improving the company’s reputation as a data-led organisation, allowing the company to retain and attract talent.  

How is the programme structured?

It all begins with an Initial Data Literacy Assessment to understand the organisation’s current data literacy state.

This enables the development of tailored personas on which to shape the training modules and the timetable to follow.

We have then developed a Top-down C-suite module to explain in person, why data matters with award winning success stories from DataIQ’s extensive community.

Ideally, this is followed by cascade sessions and (live digital) workshops with the Senior Leadership team (and Business Division Heads) explaining how and why data is important in their Directorates and the benefits of being data driven.

The Data Literacy Programme consists of two workshop modules:

  • One to provide frameworks to help Senior Leaders to support the business to become data driven by establishing the common areas where data and AI can support the business.
  • The second to enable Leaders to understand how to self-serve for data and insight using the tools the business has currently licensed and using their newly found confidence to inspire others.
  • These sessions are supported by DataIQ’s expert coaches to ensure learnings are embedded and use cases understood.

The cascade continues with Business Managers (live digital) workshops using the results of the Data Literacy Assessment input to assist in applying data within the business, data access and consumption, scoping data requirements and ensuring better briefs are written for the data office.

The learning and development needs of the CDO and the Data Office are addressed through DataIQ membership which includes curated meetings with other senior leaders to discuss issues, in person and digital events, roundtables, a comprehensive knowledge library, (live digital) workshops to drive better storytelling with data, enable improved business partnering, as well as Data Apprenticeship programmes (with DataIQ partners).

To find out more contact or speak to a member of our sales team.



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