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2023 DataIQ 100

Chris Gartside, director of data and analytics, Pepsico Europe

Describe your career to date

I’ve always been interested in how consumers behave and how businesses can influence that behaviour for the better. After graduating with a Master’s in Chemistry, clear that chemistry was not my final destination, I began exploring the graduate job market looking for opportunities to convert my interests into a career.


During this time I was introduced to Dunnhumby and they wowed me from the beginning with an exciting and unique combination of data, analytics, and an opportunity to be part of a revolution looking to influence consumer behaviour. It also helped that this was a career that my mum could almost get her head around.


During 13 years with Dunnhumby I was lucky enough to work with a fantastic, intelligent and challenging selection of people, both colleagues and clients across multiple markets, sectors and verticals. Within that ecosystem I took the opportunity to constantly develop and learn, both in the commercial world and the data world. A combination of constant learning and seeing my work being turned into real world activation kept me engaged for a long period.


Post Dunnhumby, I took a role as chief data scientist at Starcount, and used this opportunity to use data to drive change with new clients as well as go back to the small start-up mentality that I had enjoyed when I first joined Dunnhumby.


I’m now working at Pepsico within the Europe sector advanced analytics team, where we are landing and scaling data products into our business with great impact. Over the last 2.5 years we’ve accelerated rapidly from a nascent capability with potential value to an in-demand capability with multiple established and embedded products and a strong aligned roadmap to build and scale this success within Europe and globally.

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What stage has your organisation reached on its data maturity journey? 

Within the European sector, Pepsico is now in the develop and deploy stage of data maturity. We are clear on what our essential existing data assets are and have in place multiple products and processes to leverage their value, aligned with the priority of the business.


In parallel we have identified a multi-year roadmap for the evolution of and creation of data products and have teams focused on achieving that vision both through acquisition and creation of new data assets and data products.


While there is still headroom for the integration of data and data products into our processes, we’re confident that we are on the right path, with the right pace.


Tell us about the data and analytics resources you are responsible for

Personally, I am responsible for 18 resources across the different role types within Pepsico; data scientists, data engineers, product owners, product deployment team etc. Given the European focus of my current role these heads are based in multiple markets, with core groups found in our digital hubs in Barcelona and Hyderabad.

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