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2023 DataIQ 100

Lien Bailey, chief data officer, IPO UK

Describe your career to date 

I left university with a degree in Computer Information Systems Design (bit of a mouthful) but didn’t know what I wanted to do, so I did what any graduate would do, I applied for the most exciting company at the time – this was Diageo. I did this but felt something was missing. That’s when I found out about consulting - it would be the kick-start over two decades of working across private and public sector, as well as travelling across the world.


This has provided a breadth of experience which allows me to perform my current role. I am proud I started out as an Oracle developer and worked my way out of development to lead teams and then lead engagements in the diverse area of information and data. I was lucky enough to have plenty of experience in unstructured and structed data, this allows me to see problems through different lenses. 


The big change was when I moved from a consultant role to working as a client, this gave me the inside track on how the relationship of client and supplier should work to achieve common outcomes.


What stage has your organisation reached on its data maturity journey?

The IPO has embarked on a digital transformation journey, and we are due to deliver phase one deliverables by the end of 2023. This will deliver the new digital capabilities for our customers to apply for a patent, we will then follow up with trademarks and designs as part of phase two. Our data maturity will be improved vastly as part of this programme.


Tell us about the data and analytics resources you are responsible for

I manage a team of over 20, consisting of data architects, data engineers, data governors, data stewards and data modellers. Most of our staff are based in or near Newport, Wales and we have a couple of remote workers due to the difficulties of finding scarce data skills. I also lead the data workstream on our OneIPO programme, where there are an additional 30 partner resources.

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