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DataIQ Awards Judges

The judging team consists of data leaders from internationally recognised brands, all have been recognised for their own outstanding achievements in the DataIQ 100 or DataIQ Awards.

Your entry will be scrutinised by the best in the industry, so winning is a significant accolade.

We would like to thank the judges for the time and effort they are giving to evaluating and rewarding the best people, teams and solutions in our community


Wade Munsie

Wade Munsie


Kinnari Ladha

Kinnari Ladha

Simon Prinn

Simon Prinn


Simon Asplen-Taylor

Simon Asplen-Taylor

Sanjeevan Bala

Sanjeevan Bala

Robert Bates

Robert Bates

Steph Bell

Steph Bell

Deni Boncheva

Deni Boncheva

Anna-Lee Bridgstock

Anna-Lee Bridgstock

Paul Chapman

Paul Chapman

Andy Gregory

Andy Gregory

Dave Holland

Dave Holland

Vlad Jiman

Vlad Jiman

Scott Joslin

Scott Joslin

Emma Kissock

Emma Kissock

Orlando Machado

Orlando Machado

Helen Mannion

Helen Mannion

Ihab Moawad

Ihab Moawad

Nina Monckton

Nina Monckton

Steve Pimblett

Steve Pimblett

Sameer Rahman

Sameer Rahman

Cornelia Schaurecker

Cornelia Schaurecker

Tom Spencer

Tom Spencer

Ming Tang

Ming Tang

Kate Teh

Kate Teh

Gill Tomlinson

Gill Tomlinson

Lynn Usher

Lynn Usher

Data IQ
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