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This is a profile from the 2022 version of the DataIQ 100.

The latest list is available here.

David Monks, global VP data and analytics, Brambles

What has been your path to power?

I’ve been really fortunate that my career has run in parallel with the evolution of data and analytics capabilities. Over the past 22 years, I’ve got to witness and experience the explosion in technologies, methodologies and theories, organisational change and data enlightenment across organisations.


I have been incredibly lucky to develop most of my skills and knowledge by doing. And over this period of time, I’ve worked in almost every area of data and analytics across some of the world’s largest companies, like Kirin, Reckitt Benckiser and Diageo. This has helped me drive faster and stronger insights, and to develop high-performing teams and tools. Over the last 10 years, I’ve taken senior leadership roles with a strong focus on creating a data-driven culture, boosting data literacy and developing high-performing teams.

Dave Monks (2022) Thumb.jpg

What impact has the pandemic had on the role of data in your company/organisation?

The pandemic didn’t really change the criticality of data and our larger ambition to become a more data-centric organisation. However, it did accelerate our focus of the importance of data and the role it can play in powering quicker, better business decisions. Perhaps more importantly, the pandemic accelerated willingness around the organisation to become more data literate and changed the culture to one where data works as a core enabler of our future business ambitions.


Does data now have a seat at the table during strategic discussions? If not, what will it take to get it there?

Yes, we have a seat at the table in our executive team and we plan on increasing the role of data in strategic discussions further. Our ultimate goal is for data to become the key factor deciding which subjects are discussed at the highest levels, rather than simply informing our discussions.

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