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2024 DataIQ 100

Stephanie Bell, Director of Analytics, Sainsbury’s

Describe your career to date


My career in analytics started straight out of university. I was lucky enough to stumble across a role in a consultancy that focused on marketing and customer analytics as a fledgling graduate. The pace and variety of agency life gave me a wealth of truly valuable experience both in the technical aspects as well as across industries and products. It also opened my eyes to the sheer power of data and analytics and the value that can be driven from it; and there began my journey to get ever closer to the impact, truly being at the wheelhouse of putting that insight into action. 

My tenure at Nectar, the architect of the UK’s largest coalition loyalty programme, further deepened my understanding. Nectar360’s role in managing Sainsbury’s shopper marketing services showcased the synergy of insights and media expertise in connecting businesses, FMCG brands, and customers. Reinforcing my love of customer analytics, my time at Nectar was a brilliant opportunity to understand how loyalty influences customer behaviours in a unique blend of both internally facing analytics and client partnerships. Transitioning within the Sainsbury’s family, I now lead a dynamic team of Analysts, Data Scientists, and Visualisation Specialists. We are a multi-faceted function that plays a pivotal role across Sainsbury’s and Argos, supporting many of the core operations. Looking back on my early career aspirations to be ever closer to the action, it is a role where even the smallest analytical discovery can end up being shared with millions of customers every day. 

Steph Bell

Data literacy is a key enabler of the value and impact from data. How are you approaching this within your organisation?  


We continually prioritise enhancing data literacy across our organisation. Our City and Guilds accredited Data to Decisions course offers a comprehensive understanding of stats and analytics for everyone. The analytical team benefits from a mix of online training portals and internally developed courses tailored to our specific skill sets. Recognising the value of on-the-job experiences, we fully leverage learning opportunities for both the business and our data teams. 
I firmly believe in the virtuous circle of data and analytics, where incremental gains stem from delivering actionable insights. Each delivery pushes the business understanding a bit further, unlocking more complex questions. In 2023, with the generative artificial intelligence (AI) conversation evolving, data teams play a crucial role in making this intricate space accessible to a broad audience of stakeholders, adding a new dimension to the data literacy conversation.  

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