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Paul Moxon, senior vice president, data architectures and chief evangelist, Denodo Technologies

Describe your career to date

After graduating with a degree in business studies, I discovered an aptitude for software programming - first working on business applications using DEC BASIC and eventually moving to real-time control systems for oil and gas pipelines in the Netherlands. This led me to working as a consultant on large integration projects for companies such as Nederlands Gasunie, Saudi Aramco, AT&T Wireless, Bechtel Corporation and Reuters. 


This experience provided insights into the challenges that organizations face when undertaking both application and data integration projects. This has allowed me to take an advisory role where I am working with organizations around the world, helping them to define and refine their data strategies. My current role, at Denodo Technologies, involves educating organizations on modern data architectures and how newer technologies, such as data virtualization, fit into their data environment, allowing them to build more resilient, flexible and adaptable architecture. In turn, these architectures allow the organization to realize the value of the data assets more quickly and with less effort. 


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What stage has your organization reached on its data maturity journey?

As you would expect from a data platform vendor, Denodo is quite mature in its use of data. We measure many aspects of our business and data-driven KPIs are critical to managing our rapid growth. This is not to say that everything is perfect - there are things that we can and should, do better. But Denodo is very much a data-driven organization. 


Tell us about the data and analytics resources you are responsible for

I manage a small team of data architects and evangelists that is distributed in our major offices around the world. We have a global role, working with our customers and partners and we also support many other teams within the Denodo organization, including sales, marketing, product management, partner management, etc. 

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