Data Storytelling

This 2 hour workshop will teach you how to distil large data sets into a punchy, powerful story. It will provide you with the tools and techniques to transform detailed project outputs into a succinct narrative and develop a compelling storyboard with an engaging start, middle and end, resulting in more impactful presentations and reports.

Typical challenges this course will help you address include:

  • How do I decide what to keep in and leave out of my presentation to avoid overwhelming the audience?
  • How do I highlight the ‘so what’s?’ and ‘now what’s?’ to ensure I provide meaningful and actionable insight, not a data dump?
  • How do I ensure that my story stands out from all the other ideas and recommendations shared within the business?
A group of people engaged at a roundtable discussion.
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Key take-outs from the training include:

  • The fact that humans need more than numbers and logic to make decisions and that it is possible to bring in emotion in data storytelling
  • The role of top-down thinking in giving the story an anchor, which can also save us time when pulling together our charts
  • The value in having a storytelling framework to help select the right evidence to support the argument
  • The value in spending time reflecting on what works for the audience, rather than just typing what we want to share
  • The importance of a good title, hook and ending if we want to attract and maintain the audiences’ attention

Learning outcomes

  • Learn about the power of Ethos – Logos – Pathos, and why storytelling is the key to persuasion
  • Discover how to uncover a clear, compelling, and insightful narrative quick and efficiently
  • Understand the power of The Peak End Rule and how to create powerful hooks to help your story stick
  • Learn how to storyboard effectively to maximise the efficiency of your charting and report writing


Price £3,495 +VAT (including up to 16 attendees)

To book this course contact