TEPUK and Merkle Aquila
Who are they?
Total E&P UK is the leading producer of oil and gas in the UK. Its activities include exploration, development and production of hydrocarbons across the United Kingdom Continental Shelf. Merkle Aquila is an analytics consultancy based in London and Edinburgh.
What did they do?
Total E&P UK decided to develop a data management solution that could cope with high volumes of data as part of becoming a data-driven organisation. It was the first affiliate in the Total Group to deploy an integrated data platform in this way which was built by Merkle Aquila within a nine-month timescale. The project needed to identify a technology stack that would be capable of being deployed within the agency’s environment and then transferred to the client. A cloud-based solution in Azure was adopted creating a data lake which applied a schema on read and could be easily reconfigured as well as supporting exploratory analytics using core tools such as R, Python, Power BI, Spark and Scala. During a two-month proof of concept, a minimum viable product was built using a subset of data in order to demonstrate the functionaility which would be possible. Agile was adopted to achieve this goal in the timeframe. Following the POC, rollout into TEPUK’s host environment was undertaken which required the creation of automated data feeds from a wide range of sources, including hydrocarbon acounting, safety, well integrity and finance. Automated reporting was built-in and advanced analytics capabilities deployed for all data.
What did the judges say?
A remarkable solution for its scope and ambition which is now serving as a blueprint for a step change across the business globally.