DataIQ Awards 2021 winner – Best data and AI ethics initiative: Barclays UK

DataIQ Awards 2021 winner - Best data and AI ethics initiative: Barclays UK

Introducing data ethics is a significant and often challenging step for any organisation. Doing it during a pandemic when the whole team is working from home just adds to the complexity of the project. Yet Barclays UK was able to introduce a new ethical thinking framework, working with the Open Data Institute, which now supports all of its everyday data decisions.

At the end of 2019, the data and analytics team (DNA) identified the need to apply an ethical filter to its data use, ensuring it was transparent, consistent in its decision-making and therefore able to build trust with customers. A reusable data ethics framework was identified as desirable – a customised version of the ODI’s Data Ethics Canvas was adopted with board-level and stakeholder buy-in.

Online sessions were run with the chief data office, legal and compliance that threw up the opportunity to incorporate Barclays’ existing ten group data principles into the framework, creating alignment between the two. This version was then piloted, leading to a lite version being created for smaller projects where working through the full approach would be disproportionate. 

The ethics tool was then rolled out to all 250-plus members of the DNA team and integrated into its workflow management process. Each time a new data task arises, a process flow guides analysts through the necessary steps, documenting their decisions and taking any actions suggested. When no adverse ethical implications are identified, the completed data ethics chart it filed along with the project documentation. This allows Barclays DNA to monitor completion and compliance.

An average of 20 tool responses are now being run, showing that data ethics have become embedded into the team. The ethics tool is now being expanded into other areas such as marketing, business banking and HR. The tool is expected to continue to evolve and has been recognised as a driver of positive change. 

DataIQ Awards 2021
Year: 2021
Category: Best Data and AI Ethics Initiative

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