DataIQ Awards 2022 winner – Best data story or data visualisation: 42 Engineer Regiment (Geographic)

The operational support team (OST) at 42 Engineer Regiment (Geographic) was created to provide clearer data visualisation on a global scale at a rapid pace which was utilised for major events such as the Covid-19 pandemic, the G7 Summit, COP26 and the Commonwealth Games for data-driven decision-making.
DataIQ Awards 2022 winner - Best data story or data visualisation: 42 Engineer Regiment (Geographic)

Operational support team

The operational support team (OST) at 42 Engineer Regiment (Geographic) was created to provide clearer data visualisation on a global scale at a rapid pace which was utilised for major events such as the Covid-19 pandemic, the G7 Summit, COP26 and the Commonwealth Games for data-driven decision-making.

Portraying data results easily to non-data professionals is pivotal for success at all levels and to implement business and governmental improvements as well as cementing international relations. The OST remit has grown to the provision of geospatial data visualisation worldwide, including military deployments on all inhabited continents, which was effectively portrayed on the Ministry of Defence’s Twitter feed to visualise possible Russian invasion routes into Ukraine.

Users of the OST also included troops deployed in Estonia and Mali, with commanders given the tools to understand situations with increased clarity; congestion times, iterative route analysis and complex river analysis. Previously, these details were provided as paper maps, but now, commanders and decision-makers are presented with an answer, explanation and the ability to explore other options through digital tools.

On a national level, the capabilities of the OST identified, collected, analysed and visualised data vital to the success of the mass testing programme, with the data found here then used for the Duke of Edinburgh’s funeral in the form of a dashboard that tracked key assets and ensured the timeline for the event.

The ground-breaking developments by the OST has provided a new-found level of freedom of movement for decision-making in some of the most time-sensitive and complex situations possible. Furthermore, the efforts of the OST have been so well received that the Ministry of Defence uses two of these outputs as case studies that can be achieved through harnessing the power of data and visualising it in a new way.

These methods are now being adopted by NATO’s geospatial community, highlighting the effectiveness of these new visualisation tools and the storytelling abilities of the OST to influence others into new ways of working.

DataIQ Awards 2022
Year: 2022
Category: Best Data Story or Data Visualisation

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