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DataIQ Awards 2022 winner – Best use of data for not-for-profit or non-commercial purposes: YouGov

The world’s largest continuous Covid-19 health behaviour study was conducted through the YouGov/ICL Covid-19 behaviour tracker. Running between April 2020 and March 2022, nearly 80,500,000 data points from 750,000 survey responses in 29 countries have been gathered, with 80 studies published on this data. 
DataIQ Awards 2022 winner - Best use of data for not-for-profit or non-commercial purposes: YouGov

YouGov/ICL Covid-19 behaviour tracker

YouGov provided free services to Imperial College London (ICL) for six months to produce the world’s largest continuous Covid-19 health behaviour study through the YouGov/ICL Covid-19 behaviour tracker. Running between April 2020 and March 2022, nearly 80,500,000 data points from 750,000 survey responses in 29 countries have been gathered, with 80 studies published on this data. 

The tracker was designed to adapt to a changing landscape and cover personal behaviours, attitudes and economic activity, with a critical focus on mental health and life satisfaction which were raised to the forefront of Covid-19 research across multiple nations. Embracing collaboration, solidarity and transparency in a period of massive upheaval and emergency, the tracker helped bring stability and insight to organisations and individuals on micro- and macro-levels to help provide the best response possible to the pandemic.
The impact of this data has been monumental and has been cited by policymakers and economists across the world, including the IMF, the European Central Bank and the WHO. Beyond published studies and policy decisions, the latest data is free and available to the public through the YouGov Covid-19 public monitor and the ICL Covid data hub.
YouGov’s continued commitment to public data and demonstration of that commitment – providing free access to vast amounts of independent research data – is essential for ongoing social missions in the wake of the pandemic and cross-organisational communication.

DataIQ Awards 2022
Year: 2022
Category: Best Use of Data for Not-For-Profit or Non-Commercial Purposes

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