DataIQ Awards 2022 winner – Data for good champion: Benedetta Tagliaferri, The Information Lab

Benedetta Tagliaferri founded TIL+ in 2020 from a desire to support charities, non-profits and NGOs to leverage the power of data through pro bono data and analytical expertise where resources are low. Tagliaferri has delivered data and analytics projects with over 20 non-profit organisations.
DataIQ Awards 2022 winner - Data for good champion: Benedetta Tagliaferri

Benedetta Tagliaferri founded TIL+ in 2020 from a desire to support charities, non-profits and NGOs to leverage the power of data through pro bono data and analytical expertise where resources are low. Tagliaferri has delivered data and analytics projects with over 20 non-profit organisations, including the United Nations Development Programme, in order to help them understand their data and leverage it to support their specific causes.

TIL+ has contributed to projects including tracking engagement at a Climate Change Summit for the UNDP; visualising interventions against child harm in East Africa with Citizens4Change; understanding the journey of women experiencing child separation in the UK with Pause; and exploring performance and difference drivers in education with The Gambian Education Ministry.
Another project that Tagliaferri and TIL+ have worked on with the Crowd2Map maps project for rural villages in Tanzania to help prevent female genital mutilation (FGM). Children at risk of FGM in Tanzania are often in unmapped rural villages making protection and support harder. Raising awareness and education is key in stopping FGM and by partnering with TIL+, Crowd2map can interpret messy and complex data quickly to deduce insights such as women’s views and experiences of FGM across Tanzania.
Elsewhere, Tagliaferri and TIL+ have collaborated with the E-Axes Forum, a forum dedicated to aggregating knowledge from around the globe to catalyse the engagement of economists and decision-makers on policies towards a sustainable economy. TIL+ supported the E-axes Forum in building a visual database of monetary and financial policies to create a sustainable financial system implemented by central banks and supervisory institutions that allows users to view and compare national policies across jurisdictions and evaluate effectiveness.

DataIQ Awards 2022
Year: 2022
Category: Data for Good Champion

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