DataIQ Awards 2022 winner – Data for society: Data for Children Collaborative with UNICEF

The University of Edinburgh and UNICEF partnered to provide a data platform that addresses global challenges for children from climate change to Covid-19. One of the core focuses has been to understand and accurately measure climate and environmental shocks and stresses harming child development progress.
DataIQ Awards 2022 winner - Data for society: Data for Children Collaborative with UNICEF

Children’s climate risk index

The University of Edinburgh and UNICEF partnered to provide a data platform that addresses global challenges for children from climate change to Covid-19. One of the core focuses has been to understand and accurately measure climate and environmental shocks and stresses harming child development progress as well as the deepening of deprivation and humanitarian situations affecting children and vulnerable households and groups.

A standalone solution, the data for children collaborative (DCC) has used data to improve child health, education and wellbeing across the globe. One of the recent projects examined children’s exposure and vulnerability to climate change impacts which resulted in the development of a comprehensive index used by UNICEF that tracks these impacts.

The teams were able to successfully deliver a multi-dimensional index based upon equally weighted, global, widely-available data sets covering climate hazards and child vulnerabilities to those hazards which are now used as an advocacy tool.
Collaboration has been a huge part of the DCC, connecting experts across multiple fields including geosciences, social sciences, data sciences and government policymaking, highlighting the importance of data and the versatile ways in which it can be used.

DataIQ Awards 2022
Year: 2022
Category: Data for Society

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