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DataIQ Awards 2022 winner – Persuading with data: Methods Analytics

Methods Analytics worked throughout the Covid-19 pandemic to collaborate with multiple directorates in order to provide an efficient and effective response to the pandemic in a rapidly changing-environment. The capabilities provided meant policy-makers were able to make data-led critical decisions regarding restrictions, testing sites, vaccination campaigns and more.
DataIQ Awards 2022 winner - Persuading with data: Methods Analytics

Responding to Covid-19: The UKHSA data science partnership

Methods Analytics worked throughout the Covid-19 pandemic to collaborate with multiple directorates in order to provide an efficient and effective response to the pandemic in a rapidly changing-environment. The capabilities of Methods Analytics included forecasting patient levels for the NHS through various statistical models projecting hospitalisations, providing estimates and confidence intervals to chief medical officers to avoid the system becoming overwhelmed. Thanks to these efforts and the evidence provided by the data, policy-makers were able to make data-led critical decisions regarding restrictions, testing sites, vaccination campaigns and more.

The team at Methods Analytics worked on data sets with the Track and Trace programme and Ordnance Survey to develop a spatial complex network analysis that detects clusters of Covid-19 infections. Following this, spatial data derived infection movements and the distance between locations and time separation formed a baseline to detect clusters of infections that were then aggregated at lower layers super output areas level.

Other areas of analysis included assessing the impact of staff absences and interdepartmental transfers to intensive care units which highlighted the lack of specialised skills available for high-dependency beds.
The insight presented by Methods Analytics was provided weekly to policy-makers to assess whether the national alert level should be increased, and non-pharmaceutical interventions should be in place, leading to a new standard for the national alert level methodology. Collaboration between the point prevalence and advanced analytics teams quantified the effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical interventions during the first and second wave which were regularly reported to the Cabinet Office and the Secretary of State.

Thanks to the work undertaken by Methods Analytics, the UK government and local authorities were able to implement data-led decisions that impacted infection rates and the quality of life for everyone in the nation.

DataIQ Awards 2022
Year: 2022
Category: Persuading with Data

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