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DataIQ Awards 2023 winner – Most effective stakeholder engagement: JCURV

JCURV builds effective data analytics functions by combining the behaviours, culture and people – coupled with the right methodology – and bringing the stakeholders closer to the teams where for enhanced collaboration.
DataIQ Awards 2023 winner - Most effective stakeholder engagement: JCURV

From enemy to trusted partner in 9 months: Winning the hearts and minds of CCEP stakeholders 

JCURV was appointed by the first CDO of Coca-Cola Europacific Partners (CCEP) to transform reporting functions and perceptions of the new team after experiencing failing service levels, increased resignations and dissatisfied stakeholders – attrition within CCEP was averaging 25%, with some teams experiencing 75% and 100%. Since being appointed, JCURV has created lasting capability to sustain the introduced collaborative ways of working, increasing engagement by 36% within nine months.  

“Very impressive approach to deliver outcome in a turnaround situation that has enduring effect.” – Judges’ comment 

JCURV builds effective data analytics functions by combining the behaviours, culture and people – coupled with the right methodology – and bringing the stakeholders closer to the teams where for enhanced collaboration. JCURV has named this DatagilityTM and the aim is to build immediate sustainable capability, so after JCURV leaves, the team continues to improve. 

JCURV’s success came through a five-step approach – listening, mobilisation, pilot, scaling and sustainability – which allowed the team to work with stakeholders in a way that provided stakeholders with the opportunity to explain their pains and perspectives. This would prove crucial in fostering trust in a time of change and turmoil regarding team member turnover and satisfaction. 

Over the course of nine months, JCURV’s approach to CCEP transformed the relationship between leaders, stakeholders and individual team members and improved engagement by more than a third. The culture within CCEP has improved with a renewed emphasis on prioritisation of specific tasks, collaboration and improving the customer experience with regular reviewing processes to ensure this trend continues.  

DataIQ Awards 2023
Year: 2023
Category: Most Effective Stakeholder Engagement

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