Data literacy is a key enabler of the value and impact from data. How are you approaching this within your organization?
I have created a bespoke Data Literacy and Analytics Academy to upskill all 16,000 salaried employees at Colgate, from the CEO to entry level folks around the world. This has been externally recognized by the Brandon Hall Group with a Gold Award and received the highest engagement scores and completion scores of any learning program at Colgate.
Participants first took a confidential assessment written by my team, then received tailored recommendations for data, analytics, and artificial intelligence (AI) courses based on their skill level and function within the organization. They also earned Credly badges for different levels of completion, which were shared publicly on LinkedIn by the CEO and senior leadership team, resulting in a movement and significant progress in the company towards getting on a common language and understanding of how data and analytics is a part of everyone’s job, not just the data team.