Bhavik Davda, Chief Customer Insight and Analytics Officer, As Watson, Europe

Describe your career to date


My career began as a Management Accountant, where I provided financial analytical support, which helped me later in my career to focus on creating value from data teams, but also securing investment from the business. I firmly believe that by doing different roles, you can bring cross functional knowledge, which all contributes to my current role. My journey has involved running a loyalty programme, building a small mobile phone network, and leading strategic development functions. I have also focused on implementing business side some of the initiatives that insight functions that I have led – for example, store segmentation. The common thread here is that each role used data, analytics, and insight extensively and allowed me not only to lead by example but understand how to generate value as a customer of a data and analytics team. 

How are you developing the data literacy of your organisation, including the skills of your data teams and of your business stakeholders?  


In many ways, traditional data literacy is following a path that is self-directed from a central premise, perhaps with a focus on importance of data foundations. Our attention is shifting to new data sources and applications, especially around linking data and digital data points. My focus has been on our data teams and their business literacy. It is crucial for me that our data experts understand the perspective of our business stakeholder, so we can grasp the context who will ultimately use the data and insight. 

What are the key challenges to your data function that you are facing as its leader? 


The biggest challenge is managing business intelligence as a product service. We have been successful in keeping dashboards updated, engaging users on the platform, but we have difficulty with having too many dashboards that hinder users from finding new and valuable things. We hope that improved search technologies will help, as well as more user-friendly design and client journey mapping for end users. 

Bhavik Davda
has been included in:
  • 100 Brands 2021 (EMEA)
  • 100 Brands 2022 (EMEA)
  • 100 Brands 2023 (EMEA)
  • 100 Brands 2024 (EMEA)

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