What stage has your organisation reached on its data maturity journey?
Defence is committed and focused on realising its digital and data transformation, recognising the value and opportunity that data capabilities offer for improved outcomes and effects. The process of change is well under way and Defence is adopting a coherent and connected approach. We are a global, complex and diverse organisation and already realising the benefits, although there is a way to go before we reach maturity. The upside of this is the immense opportunity for digital careers and capabilities, where you can join to make a real difference at pace and scale.
Tell us about the data and analytics resources you are responsible for
My functional responsibility spans across the breadth of defence, partners allies and industry to drive coherence and focused outcomes. To achieve this, I work with colleagues across the digital function and wider organisation. I lead a dedicated, diverse and expert team centrally, who are based in multiple locations and have a hybrid way of working.