How is your organisation using data and analytics to support the corporate vision and purpose?
Data at Sky is at the heart of strategic and operational decisions and a key asset that enables us to deliver best-in-class value, experience, content and products for our customers. The data eco-system is very broad given the breadth of the products and services we offer, ranging from research data to evolve our product propositions to consumer behavioural data to tailor our content, improve our products and tailor our customer experience across channels. I am very lucky to have had the opportunity to develop many highly-skilled, strategic analytics and research experts who support many business functions, ensuring best-in-class exploitation of our data assets.
2020 was a year like no other – how did it impact on your planned activities and what unplanned ones did you have to introduce?
The last six months clearly confirm that the importance will keep growing of managing and exploiting our data to inform strategic roadmaps. We had to step up our focus on external macro-economic factors significantly and understand their future impact on consumers’ behaviours and their relationship with Sky, evolving our analytical models to inform future planning. In addition, our strong research function enabled us to understand shifts in our customers’ mindset quickly to inform evolutions of marketing and product propositions.