A couple years later I was recruited to Pfizer to start a brand-new team for their consumer healthcare business, something called “social intelligence”. It was a perfect fit for me and my skillset, and after leading two successful pilot programs in my first year I was promoted to take our social listening and analytics to the next level.
During that time my business unit was spun-off to merge with GSK’s via a joint venture, and so overnight I became a GSK employee and the proud owner of 20-plus more brands! Since then, my team and I have transformed our social intelligence capabilities into a powerful insights engine, responsible for delivering value across product innovation, influencer marketing, audience segmentation, white space research, brand health, and so much more.
Social media generates more data per day than anyone can comprehend, which will only increase the demand over time for social analytics and other big data solutions. I’m proud to have pioneered many of those here for us at GSK.