What stage has your organisation reached on its data maturity journey?
I think we’ve made huge strides in using data and analytics to operational decision-making – in trading, in media, in personalisation and CRM etc. The next step for us will be for data to have a greater impact in the really existential ‘bet the company’ decisions.
Tell us about the data and analytics resources you are responsible for
I run a UK-based team of around 30 data analysts and data scientists that reports to Burberry’s digital, customer and innovation officer. This centralised globally-focused team provides support across all of Burberry’s divisions and regions. The more distinctive parts of our model include 1) we employ a full-time insight editor that runs our insight newsroom; 2) heavy investment in engineering excellence where we hire 1.5-2 data engineers for every scientist/analyst on the books; 3) a specialist team focused only on building data science apps for business users; and 4) a specialist team focused only on the discovery and onboarding of new data sources.