How are you developing the data literacy of your organisation, including the skills of your data teams and of your business stakeholders?
A central element of the data strategy is the Data Dojo – our literacy programme. Training is offered across seven belts – white belt is a data 101 available to everyone, black belt is degree qualified experienced data professional. The belts in between are designed to build people’s knowledge, as appropriate for their personal development and business role needs. The Data Dojo has been gamified with Bentley ninja bears, with stickers (both virtual and physical) awarded at each belt level. As people complete a level, they are added to a company-wide skills register. This allows us to deliver additional training and engagements targeted at the right level. The training is backed up by building data communities – both cross business (specific for Tableau Creators) and functional (open to anyone). These share best practice, offer drop-in sessions with a data Black Belt, and celebrate success by highlighting projects delivered.