What stage has your organization reached on its data maturity journey?
In some areas, we are far along on the maturity curve. For example, marketing is an active area for data science at New York Life with models related to sales, advertising attribution, and retention. Yet, as AI continues to evolve, we need to embark on a new journey to embrace those new developments that make sense for our business. For example, we are in the early stages of exploring Large Language Models (LLMs) for specific use cases within our business.
Tell us about the data and analytics resources you are responsible for
I head New York Life’s center for data science and artificial intelligence (CDSAi) which is the company’s centralized data science team. The head of technology and the chief data officer are my peers, jointly reporting to New York Life’s head of strategic capabilities. This org structure helps us stay aligned on the company’s priorities. CDSAi consists primarily of data scientists and MLOps engineers, and the remaining members of the team are in product, program, operations and training, and communication functions, all equally integral parts of the team. Our group is based in New York Life’s home office in New York City, with full in-person team meetings every other month. We augment the team with staff from external vendors to help ramp up projects.