What impact has the pandemic had on demand from your clients?
It really was sector specific. As you’d expect, travel and entertainment were under enormous pressure to pull back as they had no supply to offer. Conversely, media companies had increased demand to support given the increasing amount of time people were spending in front of screens, especially for brands who were now more top of mind than ever, like grocery and financial services.
As we recover, we can see the pent-up demand in the market affecting our clients with some needing to market to get their fair share, whereas some others, for example automotive, depending on the brand, have a lesser need to market because they’re still behind with production. Worthy of note was the urgent demand from major brands at the start of the pandemic, for data-driven support in helping them better understand their customer base, to ensure they made the best provision for those requiring the most support, e.g. those in remote areas to have access to critical goods and services.