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  • Joy Bonaguro, Chief Data Officer, State of California

Joy Bonaguro, Chief Data Officer, State of California

What has been your path to power? 

Bonaguro has worked across the public and private sectors to develop data capabilities, starting off at the Greater New Orleans Community Data Center in 2002 to design and advance data systems, tools and resources to democratize public data use and accelerate data driven decision-making in public and non-profit sectors. She then moved to the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory as IT policy manager in 2011 for three years.

Bonaguro became chief data officer for the City and County of San Francisco in 2014 where her developments of data science as a service led to results such as predicting with 83% accuracy mothers and babies at risk of dropping out of nutrition programs, identifying fleet reduction opportunities through shared vehicle pools and the cofounding of Data Academy, a training program estimated to save up to $11 million in staff time. In 2018 Bonaguro started a role as head of systems and data at computer and network security business Corelight, Inc before returning to the public sphere in 2020 as the chief data officer for the State of California where she is systematically accelerating data use in California.

Joy Bonaguro
has been included in:
  • 100 Brands 2022 (USA)

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