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  • Lalit Thakur, Chief Data and Analytics Officer, Nissan Motors

Lalit Thakur, Chief Data and Analytics Officer, Nissan Motors

Describe your career to date

I have been in data space for over 15 years and have served in many domains – manufacturing, automotive, health care, distribution and supply chain. In the last two and the current opportunity, I have had the privilege of starting a new data office, separate from IT. 

How are you developing the data literacy of your organization, including the skills of your data teams and of your business stakeholders? 

We have set up data collaboration forums, use-case based meetings with the business and courses to help broaden the awareness of data and data-driven decision making. 

What role do you play in building and delivering conventional artificial intelligence solutions, including machine learning models? Are you also involved in your organization’s adoption of generative AI?  

Heavily involved in our generative artificial intelligence (AI) journey and story. The key is to enable business units to accelerate while ensuring oversight and guard rails. Similar approach for broader AI related applications – our engagement model is to ensure data office can build for the business or collaborate with them or provide oversight and thought leadership. 

What are the key challenges to your data function that you are facing as its leader? 

Challenges involve educating how to leverage data in decision-making, ensuring that analytic products are operationalized and used for deriving business value, ensure data quality, and data access does not get in the way of data products. 

Lalit Thakur
has been included in:
  • 100 Brands 2022 (USA)
  • 100 Brands 2024 (USA)

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