Nirav Shah, Head of Esg Analytics, M&G Investments

What has been your path to power?

I started my career in technology as an engineer. Working through various different financial institutions across the City of London, I gathered diverse experiences working on technology projects in investment banks, pension houses and asset managers. Through this journey, I saw myself gravitating more towards roles that used technology and data to enable business decisions and impact. This saw me gravitating more towards technology strategy, leadership, data and analytics projects in the more recent phases of my career. Data is powerful and complex. Using the latest advancements in data to harness true insights through the power of analytics can develop truly transformational outcomes for businesses.

What impact has the pandemic had on the role of data in your company/organisation?

I started my role at M&G as the head of ESG analytics remotely. I was fortunate to have colleagues and teams who made me felt welcomed and help traverse a steep learning curve with relative comfort. Through the pandemic, I have seen several instances of how data can be a powerful decision-making factor when conventional and intuitive decision-making mechanisms can’t be meaningful due to remote working.

Does data now have a seat at the table during strategic discussions? If not, what will it take to get it there?

In my field of operation, data has a prime spot in strategic decision- making. Through the ESG and sustainability revolution, the asset management industry has undergone a fundamental change in using data to drive decisions versus the traditional mechanisms of engagements and meetings. These decisions are much more holistic and well-rounded. Through effective tooling and machining of data, we have enabled a truly data-driven decision culture.


What are your key areas of focus for data and analytics in 2022?

The field of ESG and sustainability has seen a rapid and multi-fold evolution and growth through 2021. Most themes in 2021 focused on primary ESG factors of coal and aarbon and understanding issuer impacts on these themes. 2022 will see the lens widen to cover more holistic factors like impact and SDGs and explore further more niche areas like water scarcity and biodiversity. The new regulations and disclosure requirements in this field will also mean a lot more data will become available for decision-makers.


Tell us what leadership means to you in the context of your role as a senior data leader.

Enabling data-driven decision-making. If technology teams across the industry can make effective integrated and scalable data platforms and tools available, then this can drive a truly transformational change in the way a company makes its decisions,  moving from traditional consensus and intuition-based decision-making to a more well-rounded robust and scientific data-driven decision-making.


What key skills or attributes do you consider have contributed to your success in this role?

I have always been curious and inquisitive – always ask why! But besides that, I have never been afraid of moving rapidly and driving quick decisions, sometimes to my own detriment. Seeking impact has been another of my core drivers.


How did you develop – and continue to develop – these skills or attributes?

By continuing to learn and listen and adapting to new situations. I also like to train myself frequently in new skills and also stay hands-on in technology.

Is the data tech you have keeping pace with your goals and requirements? Are your providers leading or lagging behind your demands?

We work with some great partners and it’s amazing to see how the capability to create data eco-systems has evolved over the last couple of years. This industry is extremely vibrant, moves and reacts very quickly to change.

Nirav Shah
has been included in:
  • 100 Brands 2022 (EMEA)

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