What impact has the pandemic had on demand from your clients?
The next 12 months have been widely tipped as the year of data and digital transformation. COVID has accelerated digital agendas, so now is the time to start embedding the changes and leveraging data assets. It is therefore unsurprising that we have seen a lot of interest in our services, particularly as we have a long track record in delivering significant performance improvements.
Do you get a seat at your clients’ strategic discussions? If not, what will it take to get you there?
Always. If you work in data and have ever heard of and believe in the butterfly effect, you will know that when we do something the impact will not only be felt by the part of the organisation we are helping to fly, but the rest of the organisation could also potentially benefit from the same work and insight. We recently rebranded as “Beyond” because we do just that, go beyond. To help organisations fully leverage our work, we need to have a seat at the table – getting there requires trust and getting to know their businesses incredibly well.