Professor Maggie Boden, Research Professor of Cognitive Science, University of Sussex

Path to power

I was one of the first people in the UK to discover the benefits of artificial intelligence, having been the founding Dean of the University of Sussex’s School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences in 1987, where I helped to develop the world’s first academic programme in this field.


My work has been translated into 20 languages with books including, “The Creative Mind: Myths and Mechanisms”, (1990/2004) and “Mind as Machine: A History of Cognitive Science (2006)”. A new work, “AI, Its Nature and Future” is in press. I am a Fellow of the British Academy, and of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (and its British and European counterparts). 

Professor Maggie Boden
has been included in:
  • 100 Influencers 2020 (EMEA)

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