Radha Subramanyam

Radha Subramanyam, President, Chief Research and Analytics Officer, CBS

Radha Subramanyam’s path to power

Subramanyam, one of the media industry’s top research and analytics experts, was appointed chief research and analytics officer, CBS television network in November 2017. In 2019 she was promoted to the role of chief research and analytics officer for the CBS and also appointed the president of CBS Vision, the company’s ’futures’ function. Subramanyam possesses extensive experience in research and data analytics in all areas of the industry, including broadcast, cable, digital, direct to consumer, OTT as well as audio and social media. Until October 2017 she was president, insights, research and data analytics at IHeartMedia. Her tenure at iHeartMedia began in 2012, when she was named to the newly created position of executive vice president of sales and marketing research. In 2014, she was promoted to the role of president. Subramanyam previously served in senior executive roles at Yahoo!, MTV Networks and Nielsen. 

What stage has your organization reached on its data maturity journey?

High degree of maturity. Data is used in all business decisions and data has a large impact in areas like creative. 


Tell us about the data and analytics resources you are responsible for

The team oversees all research operations for CBS, including audience measurement, analytics, market research, program testing and advertising research. Additionally, I oversee a research and analytics ’lab’ in Las Vegas that collects data 365 days of the year through a range of advanced methodologies. 

What challenges do you see for data in the year ahead that will have an impact on your organization and on the industry as a whole? 

The fast-changing privacy environment will require all companies to be agile and nimble in their approach. 


Have you set out a vision for data? If so, what is it aiming for and does it embrace the whole organization or just the data function?

At CBS, data is so fundamental to the lifeblood and operating rhythm that this is unnecessary. 


Have you been able to fix the data foundations of your organization, particularly with regard to data quality?

Some areas have high fidelity. Others are a work in progress. The key to success is knowing which is which.


Radha Subramanyam
Radha Subramanyam
has been included in:
  • 100 Brands 2023 (USA)

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