Rob McKendrick, Former Head of Data and Insights, The Co-operative Group

At the time of compiling the list, Rob McKendrick was head of data and insights, The Co-operative Group


What has been your path to power?

I have a background in computer engineering and advanced research. Back in 1996, I presented a data engineering paper on preparing data for analytics with a “very large dataset” of 60Gb. Tiny by today’s standards! 


I’ve worked in a variety of roles in “the real world”, consultancy and technology. The mainstream data work started at Centrica just around 20 years ago. We had just completed a build of a customer data warehouse and I joined in order to lead the development of it. That role moved into leading on data topics like governance, architecture and quality.


While the technology changes at a fantastic pace, the challenges have remained the same. Delivering sustainable value from data relies on knowing where and how your data is created, measuring and improving the quality of the data and getting that information to the analysts and data scientists. Currently, I’m working as head of data and insight at the Co-op, leading the team responsible everything from data governance to analytics and insights.

What impact has the pandemic had on the role of data in your company/organisation?

As part of working through the pandemic, we have adopted a much flatter organisational structure. Our data teams actually find it easier to engage with the business as organisational constructs are less important.


Does data now have a seat at the table during strategic discussions? If not, what will it take to get it there?

Data is becoming part of the strategic conversation in a number of parts of the business now. We are using these use cases this year to demonstrate the end-to-end benefit that we can bring. In 2023, we plan to promote data literacy more widely to build on those use cases.

What are your key areas of focus for data and analytics in 2022?

In 2021, we migrated a major part of our data infrastructure to the cloud. 2022 is a year of consolidation and exploitation of that data platform. While delivering three major analytical use cases (in commercial, finance and customer) this year, we are also going to embed the use of a data catalogue tool. The catalogue will provide business metadata and data quality measures directly to end-users.


Tell us what leadership means to you in the context of your role as a senior data leader.

Coach, supporter and dreamer.


What key skills or attributes do you consider have contributed to your success in this role?

Technical experience and knowledge to make sure that we’ve got the solutions right for the business. With that foundation we have confidence that we can deliver.


How did you develop – and continue to develop – these skills or attributes?

Being curious and listening to others in the team, the business and more widely.

Is the data tech you have keeping pace with your goals and requirements? Are your providers leading or lagging behind your demands?

We work really closely with some of our key suppliers and that is allowing us to try preview versions of tools where we can. Understanding provider roadmaps and influencing them is really important to us and we take it into account when we develop our plans.

Rob McKendrick
has been included in:
  • 100 Brands 2019 (EMEA)
  • 100 Brands 2020 (EMEA)
  • 100 Brands 2022 (EMEA)

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