What stage has your organization reached on its data maturity journey?
We have benchmarked as per Gartner’s D&A maturity framework and we are at below levels:
Level 3 for create and maintain semantic models, visual dashboards and advanced analytics models.
Level 4 for create and maintain enterprise reports.
Our aim is to be at level 4 by 2024.
Tell us about the data and analytics resources you are responsible for
Lead a global data and analytics team of 171 resources comprising of data analysts, business analysts, visualization engineers, solution architects, data scientists and machine learning engineers.
Team is overall 52% diverse (gender diversity) with ~27% women managers.
Team is spread across US, Canada and India locations.
We build and manage 185+ dashboards with 91K+ unique users and 10.7M+ annual hits. Have deployed over five enterprise-wide AI use cases.
We report into the CTO organization and the CTO reports into the CEO.