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AI training programme launched by DataIQ member The Crown Estate

With AI becoming an integral part of business operations, The Crown Estate has launched an AI training programme to capitalise on opportunities for success. 
DataIQ leaders discuss programmes to prepare teams for AI literacy.

A new AI training programme 

The programme has been delivered by longstanding DataIQ partner Multiverse and consists of 13 months of training. There are 11 modules that are completed over three phases, including an introduction to AI in business and opportunities to identify where scaling would be most appropriate. The programme is initially being rolled out as a pilot project to 10 individuals working at The Crown Estate, with the hopes that success will expand the remit of the programme to the whole business.  

Participants on the programme will be embedded across The Crown Estate, delivering AI innovation and utilising real-time data across administration and property management through to urban design and marine planning. As a major landowner in the UK, including offshore wind farms, The Crown Estate delivers financial value to the Treasury, as well as being the provider for numerous projects that aim to benefit the wider nation, particularly achieving net zero carbon emissions. 

As AI tools become more prominent, it is imperative that AI training is provided to team members. It is predicted that just shy of half (44%) of workers’ core skills will be disrupted by AI tools by 2027, so businesses need to act now to be able to evolve. Furthermore, training in AI will help enhance the career opportunities of those taking the course, as well as drastically improving data maturity and culture within a business.  

“The Crown Estate has recognised the potential of AI to upscale innovation and increase efficiencies across its portfolio,” said Gary Eimerman, Chief Learning Officer, Multiverse. “The skills development provided is empowering The Crown Estate team members to use emerging technology to achieve their aims while also enriching their career opportunities.” 

In the recent Future of Jobs report by the World Economic Forum, it is predicted by two-thirds of companies surveyed that AI will continue to grow in importance. Companies with more than 50,000 employees stated in the report that training around AI and big data have become top priorities. 

It is worth noting that the EU AI Act has now come into force, meaning organisations will have to prove compliance with the guidelines within six months. The faster an organisation can make its team data and AI literate, the better they can respond to regulatory and compliance changes and avoid issues such as fines up to 7% of global annual turnover or €35 million. These fine exceed those put in place for GDPR.  


DataIQ members can utilise the exclusive DataIQ benchmarking tools, including an AI assessment for leaders to understand AI maturity across an organisation.  

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