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26 September 2024,
6:00pm, The Roundhouse, London

DataIQ Awards Categories

The DataIQ Awards honours both companies and individuals that have demonstrated excellence in the data industry over the past 12 months. As the data and analytics industry’s most prestigious awards, over 400 entries were received in 2023.

The Categories

People stream

Stream: People

Who its for: Best-in-class squads of analysts and data practitioners working in enabler organisations (ie, solutions providers, consultancies, agencies, etc).

How to win it: An effective team multiplies the inputs of each individual in the group to generate greater impact from their efforts. Explain for the judges how collaboration, cohesion and productivity are rising as a result of working as an ensemble.

Stream: People

Who its for: High-performing squads of data and analytics practitioners working internally at client/brand organisations.

How to win it: A team is more than the individuals it is made up of – it is a multiplier of their efforts through the collaboration, cohesion and productivity that results from working as an ensemble. Describe how this group of data and analytics aces are driving results and transforming how your organisation absorbs and acts on their output.

Stream: People

Who its for: Individuals working in enabler organisations (ie, solutions providers, consultancies, agencies, etc) aged under 30.

How to win it: The judges are looking for an individual in the early stages of their career who has either just entered the data industry and is already making a significant impact or somebody who has undertaken a data or analytics apprenticeship at Level 4 in order to make a career change into data or to upskill themselves. Explain how your client base has benefitted from the arrival of this person in your company.

Stream: People

Who its for: Individuals working in the internal data team of client/brand organisations aged under 30. 

How to win it: The judges are looking for an individual in the early stages of their career who has either just entered the data industry and is already making a significant impact or somebody who has undertaken a data or analytics apprenticeship at Level 4 in order to transfer into the data department or to upskill themselves. Provide insights into what makes them stand out from their peer group.

Stream: People

Who its for: A data leader with impact, influence and engagement across their organisation.

How to win it: To be an award-winning data leader, you need to provide vision and support to your department as well as delivering value to your organisation. The judges will be looking for evidence of strong strategic thinking as well as tactical delivery that builds belief among teams and stakeholders.

Stream: People

Who its for: A data leader who heads up an international data organisation that operates across multiple territories.

How to win it: Managing across borders adds layers of complexities to the challenge of being a high-performing data leader. Whether ensuring that local data teams are aligned to the global vision or ensuring there is “follow the sun” support for business stakeholders, this award will be won by an individual who bestrides the data globe.

Culture and skills

Stream: Culture and Skills

Who its for: An organisation in any sector with an effective, well-structured programme for new recruits.

How to win it: The best employers do not just recruit new graduates into their data departments – they have a fully-realised framework of training, skills enhancement, personal development and rotation through all the key facets of the business. Set out for the judges how your business is ensuring that new hires value the opportunity you have mapped out for them and the value this is creating from your investment into new recruits just out of university.

Stream: Culture and Skills

Who its for: Any organisation that has achieved significant outcomes or culture change through deploying data, analytics or AI.

How to win it: Provide evidence of how data, analytics or AI have been used to transform the organisation, the way it operates, how a service is delivered or how customers are engaged. This may be through becoming digital-first or by putting a data asset at the heart of operations.

Stream: Culture and Skills

Who its for: Any organisation demonstrating a focused approached to ensuring its employment practices support DEI goals

How to win it: This award could go to a specific programme that targets under-represented demographics in the data industry, or it might be awarded to a data-driven initiative that measures and benchmarks DEI across an organisation and its sector. The key is to demonstrate a positive impact on the profile of talent working in data.

Stream: Culture and Skills

Who its for: Any data and analytics team or project that won the hearts and minds of its sponsor or stakeholder.

How to win it: The judges will be looking for collaborative working between the data and analytics function and its stakeholders which iteratively improved the quality of insights, recommendations and ways of working. They will be keen to see input from stakeholders attesting to the willingness of the function to listen and take on board changing needs.

Stream: Culture and Skills

Who its for: Data departments in enabler organisations (ie, solutions providers, consultancies, agencies, etc) who love to deliver for their clients.

How to win it: Colleagues who are engaged and satisfied are more productive and have longer tenures. Achieving this ideal goes far beyond pay and package – it involves fine-tuning working practices, internal culture, external engagement and leadership to build cohesion and value. Tell the judges the story of how you have put all of these elements in place and how you are measuring their impact.

Stream: Culture and Skills

Who its for: A client/brand-side data department where employee satisfaction and skills levels are off the chart!

How to win it: Colleagues who are engaged and satisfied are more productive and have longer tenures. Achieving this ideal goes far beyond pay and package – it involves fine-tuning working practices, internal culture, external engagement and leadership to build cohesion and value. Tell the judges the story of how you have put all of these elements in place and how you are measuring their impact.

Data Literacy

Stream: Data Literacy

Who its for: Any organisation that can demonstrate clear progress across the full spectrum of data literacy, from the vision for data through to the data foundations.

How to win it: Beyond the data department itself, data literacy builds performance, effectiveness and better outcomes for everybody in the organisation. It’s a journey, so this award is for an organisation that can demonstrate real progress towards its data literacy goals, whether from a low level of maturity or at the top end of cultural transformation. 

Stream: Data Literacy

Who its for: A cultural change that was driven by data and has significantly increased its adoption by stakeholders and data consumers.

How to win it: Judges will be looking for how your organisation introduced a fresh set of working practices oriented around data in order to bring about evidence-based decision-making, process design or outcome measurement. Demonstrate that you have changed specific behaviours and put data at the heart of your working practices.

Stream: Data Literacy

Who its for: A programme that demonstrates a clear commitment to applying an ethical lens to the way data is being used.

How to win it: Ethics should be a set of behaviours that inform how decisions are made about the use of data at every stage. Our judges are looking for an example of how policies and frameworks have been developed and then actively applied. Evidence of how ethical choices have changed a process, decision or outcome will be compelling.

Stream: Data Literacy

Who its for: Effective examples of how data insights have been communicated through story-telling or visualisation.

How to win it: Supply a case study which demonstrates how the insights from analytics were developed and communicated to the stakeholder, whether through high impact visualisation or story-telling. The winner will be able to show how the approach made a significant difference as a consequence of strong communication techniques.

Stream: Data Literacy

Who its for: An individual who is the voice of data.

How to win it: To win this award, you will demonstrate how you are the voice of data in your organisation or in the wider industry and economy. You may have a seat in the board room or you could be a key influencer in the wider debate about adopting data and analytics. Either way, when you talk about data, other people listen.

Stream: Data Literacy

Who its for: Any programme that is focused on building data skills and a data-first mindset.

How to win it: All organisations need to ensure that employees right across the enterprise have an understanding and appreciation of how data can support their processes. Data skills need to be developed and refreshed, even within the data department itself. The judges will be looking for evidence of how skills are being supported as part of an integrated approach to learning and development.


Stream: Innovation

Who its for: An individual who always pushes for leading-edge adoption and use of data, analytics or AI.

How to win it: Rather than sticking with the tried-and-tested, the winner of this award will be constantly horizon-scanning, pushing out the boundaries within their organisation and being vocal for breakout solutions. Judges will look for proof of leadership, vision and success.

Stream: Innovation

Who its for: Any organisation which can show it has achieved significant uplift against a target metric or progress towards a specific goal through the application of data, analytics or AI.

How to win it: From whatever your starting point, show us how you deployed a data set, analytical method or AI/ML model to shift your organisations performance up to an entirely new and improved level. The winning entry is likely to be able to evidence its before and after states.

Stream: Innovation

Who its for: An application of artificial intelligence, machine learning or automation to introduce a new approach or service.

How to win it: Provide the judges with an insight into how a business opportunity or issue was identified that was subsequently resolved through the use of AI, ML or automation. The impact needs to be fresh and transformative, even if the target was a BAU process. 

Stream: Innovation

Who its for: Any innovative AI or data-driven process either within the organisation or developed on behalf of a client.

How to win it: Evidence how a process has been designed that leverages data and AI or has become a key data product in its own right. Judges will be looking for an example that simply could not succeed without being data-driven and which has landed with impact in the organisation.

Stream: Innovation

Who its for: Any product or service developed by a data or tech vendor.

How to win it: The winner will be an innovative product or service based in the application of data and tech to key processes for clients. The judges will be looking for a vendor or solution provider who has identified an innovative way to deploy these resources for the benefit of the end-users they work with.

Stream: Innovation

Who its for: Any product or service developed by a client/brand-side data department.

How to win it: The winner will be an innovative product or service based in the application of data, analytics and tech to key processes within the host organisation. Explain how a business problem was identified and solved by your fresh thinking and data-driven approach. 

Data and AI for good

Stream: Data and AI for good

Who it’s for: An example of solving one of the biggest or complex challenges faced by society through the use of AI.

How to win it: Solving critical challenges faced by society through the use of AI is one of the biggest and most difficult use cases, typically for government and public sector organisations, but equally for any organisation with a broad social purpose. Legacy processes, problematic data, difficult environments for delivering outcomes – all of these are obstacles that the winning entry for this award will be able to demonstrate that it has overcome. This award is open to any AI programme with a social goal across all types of organisation.

Stream: Data and AI for good

Who it’s for: A data-driven activity that targets societal or economic outcomes, rather than profit.

How to win it: Not all data practices are intended to generate revenue – many are focused on changing behaviours, providing evidence of critical issues, or shifting policy. The judges are looking for activity that has used data for charitable, governmental or societal purposes rather than for business.

Stream: Data and AI for good

Who it’s for: Any data initiative that is making a positive contribution towards ESG action and reporting.

How to win it: ESG is a fast-growing sector of data practice and this award recognizes the demand for evidence that organisations are able to clearly statement their environmental footprint, progress towards net zero, beneficial impact on society, or controls on key aspects of its operation 

Stream: Data and AI for good

Who it’s for: An individual who is tireless in advocating the use of data or AI for social, environmental or health-oriented projects.

How to win it: Alongside the profit motive, organisations are increasingly focused on how they can be of benefit to the broader world. To make this happens requires a champion who ceaselessly argues for social goals, identifies resources that can be applied to them and leads from the front to make sure good things happen through the use of data, analytics and AI.  

Stream: Data and AI for good

Who it’s for: A team that has shown true purpose and commitment in applying AI and data towards good causes.

How to win it: Dedicated to ensuring a beneficial outcome from an AI or data project, the team that wins this award will be able to show its cohesion, collaboration and collective desire to do good. Proof of both the positive outcome and the team’s effective way of working will be especially important. This award is open to any team working across AI, analytics or data and in any type of organisation.

Stream: Data and AI for good

Who it’s for: An organisation that is setting the benchmark for apply AI and data to good causes 

How to win it: Beyond profit, having a social purpose or aiming to apply AI or data resources to the benefit of everyone is what makes for a hero organisation. Our judging panel will be searching for a standout example of translating fine words into finished actions, showing that AI can exceed its everyday role and bring transformational change for people, environments, outcomes, and more. This award is open to any type of organisation applying AI to key non-commercial challenges.