Building a data asset and developing a data culture are not one and the same. To understand how these dimensions of business and data intersect and influence each other, DataIQ carried out research among a curated panel of end-user practitioners of data and analytics. As members of the DataIQ community, this group might be assumed to be at a higher level of maturity than the wider UK plc.
Some proof of this emerged in the fact that 40% said their business strategy and their data strategy are fully aligned. Yet at the same time, a majority (51%) told us that the adoption of data and analytics in their organisation is still only at the developing stage. This clearly reflects the challenges around bringing the data resource out of its specialist function and embedding it into business processes and decision-making.
It is hard to prove how data and analytics deliver a more profitable organisation, harder still to get those very stakeholders who are demanding more data support to commit to recognising the value created as a result. Yet without that mutual recognition between the business and data, the risk is that of being viewed purely as a cost centre, with all the exposure and threat to ongoing investment that implies.
Download this report by DataIQ to learn about:
- Aligning the data strategy with the business strategy
- Measuring the benefits of digital transformation
- The value of personal data and leveraging this in the organisation