dataiqsummit London white

12 November 2024, City of London

Headline Partner

2022 Merkle Thumb

Winning with data and AI: The success stories

Great outcomes from data, analytics and AI are possible. DataIQ knows because we celebrate the wins and honour the players across our DataIQ 100 and DataIQ Awards every year.


Join us at this year’s conference to discover at first-hand how they got buy-in from the C-suite, enabled business stakeholders, embedded ethics and governance, and most importantly of all, drove value for their organisations.

network with dataleaders
interactive roundtables
curated content

Network with data leaders

Registrations are open to client-side data leaders from global, FTSE 100, large and mid-market organisations. 

Interactive roundtables

Peer-to-peer roundtable discussions form the core of our event giving delegates the opportunity to compare notes and swap insights.

Curated content

Featuring keynote sessions from award-winning chief data and analytics officers who are delivering innovation for their brands.

Stream Partners

Session Partners


Register your place now